Christians For Cannabis

Christians For Cannabis

MULKEYTOWN, Ill. (Wireless Flash) – Is this a sign the apocalypse is coming? A conservative Christian mother of five in Illinois has a started a pro-marijuana group. 35-year-old Jennifer Wallace founded Christians for Cannabis because she thinks anti-pot laws are unjust and that supporting them is against God’s will. Wallace first smoked ganja three years ago and was surprised when it was nothing like the “devil weed” she had been warned about in church. Nor did it encourage her to do evil deeds. In her words, “I’ve done it multiple times to test it and it’s never made me act any differently than when I’m sober.” The holy hemp crusader believes there are at least 1000 other pro-pot Christians out there and she wants to let them know that weed smokers can still be good Christians. Wallace has no doubt she’ll succeed in convincing Christians marijuana is A-OK. She believes God picked her for this mission and, in her words, “He never gives you a task you cannot do.”

Wed 05-15-02