Authors Ask the World to Thank America for Toilet Paper

Authors Ask the World to Thank America for Toilet Paper

WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (Wireless Flash) – Two U.S.-based authors want the rest of the world to thank America every time they wipe their butts with toilet paper. That’s because toilet paper was invented in the U.S. and it’s one of 101 things that make America so great, according to Rob Cohen and David Wollock, authors of Why We Rule (Harper Collins). Cohen says he came up with the idea for the book shortly after Sept. 11, when he read an e-mail that “...basically said the U.S. had it coming to us for some of our foreign policy decisions over the year.” However, Cohen disagrees, saying the world has a lot to thank America for, like denim jeans, which he thinks America will be remembered for with the same high regard historians give the roads of Ancient Rome.

Thu 05-09-02