‘Star Wars: Episode II’ – Attack of the Toys

‘Star Wars: Episode II’ – Attack of the Toys

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (Wireless Flash) – While moviegoers anxiously await Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones, toy buyers are having to endure “Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Toys.” Starting this week, Hasbro will be bombarding stores with more than 70 new toys and games based on the new movie, which opens May 16. Some of the more unusual items include... An interactive R2-D2 that chirps, sings songs and can even serve soda with its retractable arm. Jedi figures that use “the Force” (really a magnet) to summon their light sabers. And an “electronic encyclopedia” called “Jedi Dex” that catalogs every character, weapon and vehicle from Episode II and also contains an alarm clock.

Wed 04-24-02