New Zealand Sends Queen Mum Royally Bizarre Condolences

New Zealand Sends Queen Mum Royally Bizarre Condolences

TE PAPA, New Zealand (Wireless Flash) – The folks in Te Papa, New Zealand, are sending some kooky condolence letters to the royal family. The Museum of New Zealand in Te Papa recently asked patrons to sign condolence books that will be sent to Buckingham Palace to express regrets for the recent death of the Queen Mum. But if the royal family ever reads the regrets, they may be more tripped- out than touched, especially by messages like, Say hello to Aunty Paula; Bob Marley was explosive and I like the glow worms. Although one person wrote, Why all the fuss? She was an old lady who’d spent a very privileged life, others are more complimentary like the girl who says She was so cool! Like the coolest Queen Mother I have ever known. Finally, the kinkiest condolence may be from the guy named “Andrew,” who says, In your younger days you were a hotty. Nothing’s changed.

Fri 04-19-02