Crocodile Hunter Trading Cards Smell Like B.O.

Crocodile Hunter Trading Cards Smell Like B.O.

MONTREAL, Canada (Wireless Flash) – A new set of Crocodile Hunter trading cards are coming out, but according to their creator, they smell like Steve Irwin’s B.O. Dart FlipCards founder Dino Frisella says that’s because when he asked Irwin to contribute one of his shirts to be cut up in 1000 pieces and included along with some of the cards, Irwin sent an unwashed, fresh-from-the-field shirt. Frisella says the shirt stunk “to high hell” like sweat and was stained with blood and crusty mud. The card set, which comes out the last week of May, will feature 1000 pieces of Irwin’s shirt mixed in with the 6 million cards, but another 1000 packs will include snips of Irwin’s wife’s shirt. However, Frisella says Mrs. Irwin washed hers before she sent it.

Thu 04-11-02