Loch Ness Lake an Inter-dimensional Gateway?

Loch Ness Lake an Inter-dimensional Gateway?

LONDON (Wireless Flash) – A British-parapsychologist has a whale of an explanation for the existence of the Loch Ness Monster: It’s a creature from another dimension. Ross Hemsworth says he has good reason to believe “Nessie” is from another dimension because it resembles a creature he caught on film while researching an alleged interdimensional vortex in New Jersey. Hemsworth plans to test his theory by taking photographs of Loch Ness and by testing the lake for static electricity that has no reason for being there. For now, Hemsworth is keeping an open mind about the theory, but if his research comes up negative he’s likely to go back to his original theory that Nessie is just a myth to attract tourism.

Mon 04-08-02