She’s Got an E-Bun in the Oven

She’s Got an E-Bun in the Oven

ATLANTA (Wireless Flash) – First there was internet dating, then online marriages – now net-heads can go through a virtual pregnancy. A new website,, allows you to “impregnate” anyone who has an e-mail account, female or male, for only $30. Throughout the virtual pregnancy, the “mommy” gets bi-weekly updates on weight gain and fetal development – including sonograms and recordings of the baby’s heartbeat. There are a few differences from a real pregnancy though: The gestation period is only three months and instead of a baby you get a coffee mug printed with a baby picture that’s a composite of the two “parents.” Program inventor Adam Corsi says he’s witnessed the birth of five “eBun Babies” babies so far, and the software stork says another 60 are currently on their way.

Mon 04-08-02