‘Nana Nostradamus’ Opens Psychic Dating Service

‘Nana Nostradamus’ Opens Psychic Dating Service

VANCOUVER, B.C. (Wireless Flash) – A prophet in Vancouver, Canada, is hoping to profit by opening up her own psychic dating service. Shri Shanti A Deva Dutta – better known as Nana Nostradamus – has opened up the “Soul-to-Soul, Heart-to-Heart” service where she matches folks based on their spirituality, not their income. Applicants answer questions like “What act of compassion did you last perform?” and “What are your hobbies?” Then Nana says she personally has a vision on each individual’s application and asks her spirit guides to help her match people up. She says age doesn’t matter when she psychically selects candidates, they just have to be between 18 and 105. Psychic love connections aren’t free though. The whole process runs around $150.

Mon 04-08-02