VANCOUVER, B.C. (Wireless Flash) -- A NASA space probe that will pass over the earth in 11 weeks could be the first step in a plot to take over the world. That's according to conspiracy theory researcher Alfred Webre, who claims the "Cassini" space probe might really be a nuclear bomb designed to explode when it passes over Earth on August 18. If the probe does explode, Webre says the disaster would most likely kill millions and leave the rest of humankind vulnerable to a take-over by oppressive leaders. The theory is that the probe disaster is being orchestrated by the Freemasons and the Bilderbergers, which are two groups supposedly tied in to world leaders including Bill Clinton, Queen Elizabeth and The Pope. Webre claims those involved are secretly trying to create a totalitarian world government called "The New World Order." He also says the timing of the approaching probe is particularly suspicious because it coincides with a date on which Nostradamus predicted a huge "terror in the sky" would appear.

CONTACT: Alfred Webre, ***; Vancouver, B.C.; (604) 733-8134